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Video Analytics System


Using cutting-edge AI technology, CamScan continually innovates and delivers powerful, reliable software solutions tailored to all your security and surveillance requirements. CamScan’s scalable, network-based surveillance platform adapts seamlessly to any business model, ensuring top-tier security across all sectors. The platform not only safeguards your assets but also provides valuable insights to optimize business operations. With features like real-time alerts, intelligent search, object detection, and access control, CamScan transforms any surveillance system into a strategic business asset.

Below are some modules
Facial recognition

With expansible watchlists and parameters, CamScan's AI-driven Facial Recognition video analytics solution helps prevent theft and fraudulent behavior by detecting faces and providing forensic information about people in the vicinity of a security camera. Not only does this solution aid in people management by reading facial expressions and reactions when implemented, but it also enhances threat monitoring in public spaces.

License Plate Recognition

With CamScan's smart License Plate Recognition (LPR) software, collecting, monitoring, and analyzing traffic data is simple. Our LPR solution identifies and classifies a car's speed, make, model, country, and state in real-time. It can also report parking and red-light violations and many more customizable parameters to help make businesses and cities smarter and safer. The software can be integrated with an event system which in turn automates parking-related actions like opening and closing gates and setting on alarm bulbs.

Suspicious behavior / loitering detection

Leveraging advanced AI and video analytics, these systems can identify unusual patterns of behavior, such as prolonged presence in a specific area or erratic movements that may indicate potential security threats. When suspicious behavior or loitering is detected, the system triggers immediate alerts to security personnel, allowing for quick assessment and response. This proactive approach enhances safety by addressing potential risks before they escalate into incidents.

Unauthorized access detection – people, vehicle

Intelligent analytics provide a comprehensive solution for detecting unauthorized access by people and vehicles, enhancing security in sensitive areas. Utilizing AI technology, these systems can analyze images and videos in real-time to identify and assess any unusual or unauthorized movement. When a person or vehicle is detected in a restricted area or outside of authorized operating hours, immediate alerts are sent to security teams, enabling them to take timely action.

Intrusion detection – restricted areas, border fences, tunnels.

Enhance your premise's safety by automating intruders' etection in realtime upon entering selected zones.
Because CamScan employs the latest AI-based technologies, this surveillance software can differentiate and adapt to different weather and setting conditions, thereby eliminating the chances of false alarms.

Violence / aggressive behavior / crowd disturbances detection

Violence, aggressive behavior, and crowd disturbances detection systems are critical in maintaining public safety and order. By employing sophisticated AIdriven video analytics, these systems can monitor large groups and detect signs of escalating tension, such as physical confrontations, aggressive movements, or unusual crowd dynamics. When such behaviors are identified, the system sends real-time alerts to security teams, enabling them to intervene promptly and prevent potential violence. This technology plays a vital role in safeguarding public spaces, events, and facilities by providing early warnings and allowing for swift, effective responses to emerging threats.

Medical/security incidents requiring immediate response – falls, slips

Maintain a safe and secure work environment by upgrading your existing surveillance system to CamScan's AIbased Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) software which detects risks and prevents work-related accidents. Personnel without the required safety equipment like helmets, gloves, and safety vests are identified, and alerts are sent to system administrators. Additional safety equipment can be integrated into the existing software upon each business' needs.

Crowd gathering / dispersal detection

Crowd gathering and dispersal detection systems are crucial for managing public spaces and ensuring safety during events or in high-traffic areas. Utilizing advanced AI and video analytics, these systems can monitor the movement and density of crowds in real-time. They detect when a crowd is forming or dispersing, providing valuable insights into crowd behavior and potential security risks. When unusual patterns, such as sudden crowd accumulation or rapid dispersal, are identified, the system triggers alerts for security personnel, allowing them to assess the situation and take appropriate action.

Vandalism of fixed assets and public property detection – unusual times and locations

These AI-driven systems monitor areas at all times, with special attention to unusual times and locations where vandalism is more likely to occur. By analyzing video feeds for suspicious activities, such as unauthorized access or tampering with property, the system can detect potential vandalism in real-time. When such behavior is identified, immediate alerts are sent to security teams, enabling them to respond swiftly and prevent damage. This proactive approach not only helps in preserving public property but also acts as a deterrent against future incidents.

Irregular movement detection (people/vehicles)

These advanced systems use AI and video analytics to monitor real-time movements, flagging any deviations from typical patterns. For people, this might include unusual walking paths, loitering, or erratic behavior. For vehicles, it could involve unexpected stops, erratic driving, or unauthorized access to restricted areas. When such irregularities are detected, the system sends immediate alerts to security personnel, enabling a swift response to address potential threats or safety issues. This proactive monitoring helps in preventing incidents before they escalate and ensures a safer environment.

Unusual direction and speed detection (people/vehicles)

A smart traffic solution from CamScan is the Speed Detection software which helps detect and identify speeding cars on highways and roads without needing costly hardware installations. Like all of CamScan's solutions, the software provides detailed and customizable real-time reports that can be seamlessly integrated with third parties like ticketing systems.

Fire and smoke detection

With real-time alerts, this solution helps avoid fire-related accidents by detecting the slightest signs of smoke and fire within a camera's vicinity and without human supervision. The module is a must-have across all industries, whether residential areas, ports, schools, or banks, to ensure people’s and property’s safety

People and vehicle counting

People and vehicle counting systems are essential for managing and analyzing traffic flow and crowd dynamics. Utilizing advanced AI and video analytics, these systems accurately count the number of individuals and vehicles passing through specific areas in real-time. This data provides valuable insights for various applications, including optimizing space usage, enhancing security measures, and improving operational efficiency.
For people, the system tracks entries and exits in public spaces, venues, or buildings, helping to monitor crowd density and ensure compliance with safety regulations

Event counting and categorization per camera.

Event counting and categorization per camera involve tracking and analyzing specific activities or occurrences captured by surveillance cameras. By leveraging AI and video analytics, these systems provide detailed insights into various types of events, such as:
People Counting, Vehicle Counting, Event Categorization, and Incident Detection.

Abandoned object detection

Abandoned object detection systems use AI to identify and alert security personnel about items left unattended in monitored areas. By analyzing video feeds, these systems detect objects that appear suddenly and remain stationary, generating real-time alerts to help prevent potential security threats.

Heatmaps and dwell time analysis in specific locations

With the Motion Heatmap solution, peoples' movements captured on your cameras are graphically represented in a green-to-red color spectrum by CamScan's intelligent video analytics software.
Perform quality assessments based on collected data patterns within vicinities attracting customer flow.

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